Significance of “specified industrial undertaking” (指明工業經營)

[Ref Cap 59AB] 在“What’s “specified industrial undertaking” (指明工業經營) [工廠及工業經營(危險物質)規例]?” 中知道左有6類場叩 “specified industrial undertaking” (指明工業經營), 感點解要訂出呢D場所? 這就是 FACTORIES AND INDUSTRIAL UNDERTAKINGS (DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES) REGULATIONS 《工廠及工業經營(危險物質)規例》的本意 – Cap 59AB 4: These regulations apply to any dangerous substance that is present in a specified industrial undertaking for the purpose of, in connection with, or as a result of, … Continue reading Significance of “specified industrial undertaking” (指明工業經營)