吊船的 “工作平台”(Platforms), “安全進出途徑”(Safe means of access), “檢查” (Inspections), “測試及檢驗” (Test and examination)

[Ref Cap 59AC, Reference Manual for Inspection Reports on Construction Sites] 吊船 (Suspended Working Platforms) 在行內又名 “gondola“, 受到 Cap 59AC “Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Suspended Working Platforms) Regulation” 《工廠及工業經營( 吊船) 規例》的監管. 為左應付考試讀書, 及日後重溫, 以下會針對數項重點作出介紹: 工作平台”(Platforms) [Ref SWP-22 to SWP26 ; Sec. 8] 安全進出途徑”(Safe means of access) [Ref SWP-27 ; Sec. 9] “檢查” (Inspections) [Ref SWP-51 … Continue reading 吊船的 “工作平台”(Platforms), “安全進出途徑”(Safe means of access), “檢查” (Inspections), “測試及檢驗” (Test and examination)